Joe Pierce the Maine Maniac – Rock Rod Garage
Joe Pierce the Maine Maniac
On this episode of Rock Rod Garage we head to Maine to talk rock bouncing with Joe Pierce the Maine Maniac. Joe Pierce is one of the most dedicated drivers in the sport of rock bouncing. He travels to most of the Southern Rock Racing Series events all the way from Maine. It is nothing for him to drive 20 hours one way to get to a race. To top all that off he hand built his own rock bouncer. So when an event was happening up in Maine we jumped at the chance to check out his shop and do an interview.
Shooting Guns
We knew we were going to have good time when the first words out of Joe’s mouth when he picked me up from the airport was “do you like to shoot guns?”. Of course I like to shoot guns. Our first stop was a dirt pit where a few of Joe’s friends had showed up with quite the arsenal of weapons. We shot everything from an old M16 to a Full Auto Sterling. Once we were out of rounds it was time to head to Joe’s garage.
Home of a Legend
Joe lives in a small town in Maine called Shapleigh. In this town everyone knows everyone one and Joe is a 3rd or 4th generation of his family here. He owns a roofing business and stays super busy between that and driving all over the Country to Rock Bounce. Upon getting to his house the first thing I noticed was a snowmobile. Yes it was a super twin just like the famous Larry the enticer has. If you aren’t familiar with Larry the Enticer look him up on Youtube and be prepared to be entertained.
Larry who?
We decided to start off the interview with some shenanigans on the snowmobile. Then like all Rock Rod Garage episodes we did a tour of the shop just before sitting down for a round of questions with Joe. Once that was all said and done with we asked some lightning round questions from facebook fans. Then it was off to the races at Mountain Mud Run. Stay tuned to the Busted Knuckle Video Youtube Channel for the action from that event.

Travis Lovett aka the Hitman – Rock Rod Garage